쿠키 정책

During your visit to multipowr.com, cookies are installed on your computer or mobile device. Some cookies are essential for the website to function properly. You cannot reject the installation of such cookies. We use other cookies for analysis purposes, which are only installed with your consent.

Cookies comprise personal data, thus their processing is governed by our privacy statement. Since essential cookies are necessary for the proper functioning and security of multipowr.com, they are processed on the basis of our legitimate interest. Other types of cookies will not be installed unless multipowr.com has obtained your consent.

This cookie statement is intended to inform you about our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

‘Cookies’ are small files or pieces of information that can be stored on your computer or mobile device when visiting websites. These text files store information such as your browser type, language preferences or geographical location. Upon subsequent visits to our website, the information compiled in the cookie is resent to our servers or the third party that has installed the cookie. This enables the retrieval of your language preference for example.

What types of cookies are there?

There are various types of cookies. They can be classified according to lifespan, purpose and origin.

Session cookies

These cookies simplify and keep track of a user's activity during the browser session. They are temporarily installed each time you open the browser screen. Session cookies are deleted as soon as the browser is closed.

Permanent cookies

These cookies remain present on your device for the lifespan of the cookies. They are activated each time you visit multipowr.com.

First-party cookies

These cookies are installed directly onto the website by multipowr.com.

Third-party cookies

These cookies are installed on multipowr.com by third parties, as a result of multipowr.com incorporating elements from other websites.

Essential cookies

These cookies ensure that all parts of the website function optimally. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning and security of the website, such as the display of search results or the distribution of requests to the web server over a number of computers. These cookies can be installed without consent.

Non-essential cookies

These cookies are installed for statistical, social and commercial purposes. Such cookies are independent of multipowr.com technical support and do not satisfy the criteria for exemption from the consent requirement. Your consent is therefore necessary for the installation of these cookies.

Non-essential cookies additionally include the following types of cookies:

Technical cookies store user preferences and simplify the navigation of the multipowr.com website. They prevent you from having to enter the same information each time you visit our website for example.

Analytical cookies furnish us with statistical information pertaining to your use of our website. This information enables us to improve the usability of multipowr.com.

Marketing cookies are used to track a visitor's browsing behaviour. This enables the creation of a user profile that displays more personalised information.

Social media cookies provide the option of including social network buttons, in order that you can share or ‘like’ web pages via the social networking site. Social network buttons exclusively contain a hyperlink to the relevant social network site page. None of your personal data is shared via our website. We have no influence on the use and manner in which your data is processed once you leave multipowr.com. You can find more information in the privacy statements of the social networking sites concerned.

Which cookies are used on multipowr.com?

Below is an overview of the cookies that are installed when using multipowr.com.

분석 쿠키 공급자 목적 수명 유형
_ga_* google.com HTTP 쿠키
_gid google.com HTTP 쿠키
gat_gtag_UA_* google.com HTTP 쿠키
필수 쿠키 공급자 목적 수명 유형
*_session multipowr.com HTTP 쿠키
XSRF-TOKEN multipowr.com HTTP 쿠키
cookie_preferences multipowr.com HTTP 쿠키
기술 쿠키 공급자 목적 수명 유형
_GRECAPTCHA google.com HTML 로컬 스토리지
locale multipowr.com HTTP 쿠키